Choose the iPhone text message folder on Android phone, click the All button to load and convert iPhone SMS to Android one. Step 4Launch the iSMS2droid app and tap on the Select iPhone SMS Database option. But the Android phone cannot view the text messages from iPhone directly. Step 3After that you can transfer text messages from iPhone to either the Android internal memory or SD card.
Mac: /Users//Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup Windows: C:////AppData/Roaming/Apple Computer/Mobile Sync iTunes saves the latest backup as 3d0d7e5fb2ce288813306e4d4636395e047a3d28, which you can find the file with the following paths. Step 2Locate the text message backup on your computer. Once you launch the iTunes, go to File > Devices > Back Up to save a backup of text messages of iPhone to your computer. Step 1Connect iPhone to your computer via the original USB cable. iSMS2droid and SMS Backup & Restore are the apps to extract the text messages from iPhone to Android.
Free Download Learn more Part 1: How to Transfer SMS/iMessages from iPhone to Androidīecause of the different operating systems, even if you transfer SMS or iMessages from iPhone to Android, you cannot view them on Android.